Ever wondered how some ads seem to follow you around the internet after you visit a website? It's not magic; it's the power of remarketing pixels. Buckle up as we take a journey through the world of remarketing pixels, uncovering what they are, why they're a big deal, and how you can harness their potential to turbocharge your online marketing game.

Decoding Remarketing Pixels

Picture this: You're browsing an online store, considering buying that sleek gadget you've been eyeing. But then, life happens, and you exit the website. Remarketing pixels step in right here. These little snippets of code act as your trusty sidekick, silently tracking your online wanderings.

Why Should You Care?

  • Laser-Precise Targeting: Have you ever felt like an ad knows you better than your bestie? That's the magic of remarketing pixels. They allow marketers to target ads specifically to users who've visited their site before. It's like chatting up someone you've already met, rather than introducing yourself from scratch.
  • The Conversion Magic: You know how they say familiarity breeds fondness? Well, it also breeds conversions. When users see your ad repeatedly, they're more likely to trust your brand and, you guessed it, make a purchase or take action.
  • Budget-Friendly Results: Let's be real, money doesn't grow on trees. Remarketing pixels help you make the most of your ad budget by focusing on people who've already shown interest. It's like spending your time with friends who actually want to hang out.

Putting Pixels to Work: Your Action Plan

  • Pick Your Playground: Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook are the popular kids in town for remarketing. Choose the one that resonates best with your target audience and brand goals.
  • Unleash Your Pixel: Creating a pixel isn't rocket science. Platforms guide you through it. You'll grab a piece of code and pop it into your website's code. Voila, you've laid the groundwork!
  • Slice and Dice Your Audiences: Segment your audience based on their interactions. Did they abandon their cart? Check out a product page? Create ads tailored to each group's interests.
  • Ad Magic Time: Craft ads that speak to your audience's souls. Highlight the benefits, use snappy headlines, and consider using images of products they've viewed for that extra oomph.
  • Budget Wisely: Set your budget and ad schedule. Too many ads can be annoying – imagine someone calling you every 5 minutes. Keep it reasonable.
  • Master of the Metrics: Regularly peek at how your ads are doing. Click-through rates, conversions, and how much bang you're getting for your buck – these are your metrics buddies.

SEO: The Secret Sauce for Pixel Success

  • Keywords: Your BFFs: Sprinkle keywords related to your business in your ad copy. This boosts your chances of showing up in search results and getting those sweet clicks.
  • Landing Page Love: Your landing page is where the magic happens. Make sure it's relevant, engaging, and easy to navigate. Nobody likes a confusing party.
  • Mobile Matters: Mobile browsing's the real deal these days. Ensure your website and landing pages look slick on mobile devices. Google loves mobile-friendly sites.
  • Speed Thrills: Slow websites are like slow elevator music – nobody's got time for that. Speed up your site to keep visitors from bouncing.

Remarketing pixels might sound like tech wizardry, but they're really about keeping potential customers engaged and intrigued by your brand. By giving these pixels an SEO boost, you're not just nailing your remarketing game, but also making sure your brand shines bright in the crowded digital arena. So, set up those pixels, sprinkle some SEO magic, and watch your conversions skyrocket like never before!

Why remarking pixels are useful

In general remarketing pixels are used to collect the data about your visitors for the purpose of remarketing them. This means, if a user comes to your site and does not convert, or convert but does not make a purchase you can retarget them with a different ad to make him purchase your product regardless of the channel from where he is coming .

How does remarketing pixel work?

In this case we will explain Facebook / Meta pixel, but same logic can be applied to any other marketing platform.

Facebook client pixel, is by default remarketing pixel, which means that you can use only one pixel for conversion tracking and remarketing tracking.

Implementation is easy,  you just fire this pixel on any event you want to measure regardless of the marketing channel (source of traffic). This means you will fire FB pixel also for traffic coming from Google or any other channel.

Facebook will try to match the user based on cookies in case of client pixel or lately help of advanced matching technology (which is used on other marketing platforms as well). Once user is matched correctly it will be available for the audiences.

So the last step to retarget the user using the remarketing pixel is to create audience of the user (in our case) who did made a conversion but did not made a purchase and use that audience for our new remarketing campaign.

Interesting facts:

- Facebook can match more than 60% percent of all users on the internet

- Google is event higher and they can match more than 90% of all users on the  internet.