Hand picked collection of best Tailwind CSS components and UI elements that can be found on the internet. Many of them are completely free.

Here is the list:

1. Daisy UI

Daisy UI is completely free set of UI components including JavaScript

2. Kutty - prebuild Tailwind components

Kutty is a tailwind plugin for building web applications. It has a set of accessible and reusable components that are commonly used in web applications.

3. Tailblox

Collections of pure Tailwind CSS simple components. No JS just plain and simple HTML with the magic of Tailwind


Very good collection of components build on Taliwind

5. Mamba UI

Another set of free components build with Tailwind CSS. Mamba UI is also offering couple of very well structured landing pages for business and personal.

Free of charge

6. Tailwind CSS Snippets

Set of animated CSS snippet. Very interesting


7. Tailwind Elements

Very big collection of UI components, design is slightly different in comparison with basic Tailwind style, but it contains very well created elements. Should not be on 7th place but much higher 👍

8. Tailwind Starter Kit

Tailwind Starter Kit - a library of components made with Tailwind CSS to bootstrap your projects

9. Tailwind Toolbox - starter templates for Tailwind CSS

Free Tailwind CSS Templates, Components and Resources. Open source starter templates and components, a directory of handy building kits, generators, plugins and useful tools to kick start your Tailwind CSS project

10. Tailwind CSS Components

Last but maybe the best free resource for Tailwind components is tailwindcomponents.com a large database of user submitted content where you can find really some useful web elements


And additionally, here is a long list of Tailwind CSS libraries, components and templates:
