How to drop column only if already exists using Laravel migrations? Here is how:

First we will create custom method called dropColumnIfExists , this method we can put in Helper file:

                    public function dropColumnIfExists($myTable, $column)
        if (Schema::hasColumn($myTable, $column)) 
            Schema::table($myTable, function (Blueprint $table) use($column)


So now in our migration file we will include this helper method:

                    use App\Http\Controllers\Helper;


and now inside of our up() method we can use it:

                    public function up()
        Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

            $helper = new Helper();
            $helper->dropColumnIfExists('users','nickname'); // remove field nickname if exists on users table
            $helper->dropColumnIfExists('users','description'); //remove field description if exists on users table


So, now we are using our custom dropColumnIfExist() method which will remove table field only if exists.

Now you can run migrate method as usual:

                    php artisan migrate


done! 👨‍💻