Working as a mobile app developer or web developer, very often you need tools like Case Converter, Lorem Ipsum Generator, SQL Escape, JSON Formatter, Regular Expression Tester, Password Generator, Base64 Encoder / Decoder, UNIX Timestamp Converter...
Thanks to guys from now you can find these tolls all in one place - fast and free.
Usually you would have to google for every of these services and spend time for nothing every time you needed, and now you can bookmark just one page which have all of these tools ready for you.
Here is the list of tools which you can find on AppDevTools
Text Tools
String Utilities
Counts the number of characters, words, lines, and substrings, converts a string to lowercase, uppercase, reverses a string, or splits a string with a separator.
Case Converter
Converts words or text to any case instantly, such as lowercase, uppercase, camel case, capital case, constant case, param case, pascal case, sentence case, title case, and more.
Sort Lines
Sorts lines alphanumerically and/or case-insensitively, reverses lines, shuffles lines, or adds line numbers to text with your preferred EOL for both UNIX and Windows.
Diff Checker
Compares text to find the differences between two text documents instantly with syntax highlighting. Supports over 170 programming languages.
Text Editor
Views and edits text or code with syntax highlighting and saves it into a file. Supports over 170 programming languages.
JSON Editor
Views, edits, and formats JSON data instantly with syntax highlighting and saves it into a file including JSON Viewer for in-depth JSON data inspection.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Generates Lorem Ipsum as known as placeholder text in paragraphs, sentences, or words instantly. Supports both plain text and HTML.
URL Parser / Query String Splitter
Instantly parses a URL and splits a query string into individual components, such as protocol, path, host, port, username, password, and more.
Slug Generator
Instantly slugifies words or text to an SEO-friendly and human-readable URL slug for better SEO optimization.
HTML Stripper
Completely strips all the HTML tags from HTML code. Only text content inside the stripped HTML tags will remain. Supports optional allowed tags.
Pastes text or code for online public viewing via a share link with syntax highlighting and an optional expiration period. Supports over 170 programming languages.
HTML Formatter / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up HTML code as well as internal CSS and JavaScript code or minifies HTML code to make it compact for production.
CSS Beautifier / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up CSS code with your preferred indentation level or minifies CSS code to make it compact for production.
JavaScript Beautifier / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up JavaScript code with your preferred indentation level or minifies JavaScript code to make it compact for production.
JSON Formatter / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up JSON data with your preferred indentation level or minifies JSON data to make it compact for production.
XML Formatter / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up XML data with your preferred indentation level or minifies XML data to make it compact for production.
SQL Formatter / Minifier
Beautifully formats messed up SQL statements with your preferred indentation level or minifies SQL statements to make it compact for production.
Escape and Unescape Tools
HTML Escape / Unescape
Escapes special characters in HTML code to their HTML entities to ensure it's safe to render or unescapes HTML entities to their original characters.
JavaScript Escape / Unescape
Escapes special characters in JavaScript code to ensure it's safe to use or unescapes JavaScript special characters to their original ones.
JSON Escape / Unescape
Escapes special characters in JSON data to ensure it's safe to parse or unescapes JSON special characters their original ones.
XML Escape / Unescape
Escapes special characters in XML data to their XML entities to ensure it's safe to render or unescapes XML entities to their original characters.
SQL Escape / Unescape
Escapes unsafe characters in SQL statements to prevent SQL injection or unescapes SQL statements to their original unsafe characters. Supports backslash escapes.
HTML Validator
Validates HTML code against the W3C standards instantly as known as HTML linter. Supports partial HTML code validation. Errors and warnings including line numbers and excerpt code will be printed if any.
JSON Validator
Validates JSON data against the JSON specification instantly as known as JSON linter. Errors including line numbers and excerpt code will be printed if any.
YAML Validator
Validates YAML data against the YAML specification instantly as known as YAML linter. Errors including line numbers and excerpt code will be printed if any.
Credit Card Validator
Safely validates a credit card number instantly to check if it's a valid card and find the card type. Completely works on your browser for your safety and privacy.
Regular Expression Tester
Tests a regular expression against any string instantly with matches highlighted including a cheat sheet and a reference.
Cryptography and Security
Hash Generator
Generates the hash value of a string instantly and compares against it to check integrity. Supports MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-3, and RIPEMD160.
HMAC Generator
Generates an HMAC from a string with a secret key instantly and compares against it to check integrity. Supports MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-3, and RIPEMD160.
Checksum Calculator
Calculates the checksum of a file or text and compares against it on your browser without uploading anything. Supports MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-3, and RIPEMD160.
Password Generator
Cryptographically generates strong and secure passwords that are difficult to crack with your preference, such as password length, numbers, symbols, lowercase, uppercase, and excluding similar and custom characters.
Bcrypt Generator / Checker
Securely generates a strong bcrypt password hash from a string instantly or compares a bcrypt password hash against a test string to check if it matches.
UUID Generator
Generates one or multiple universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) instantly. Supports version 1 (timestamp) and version 4 (random) UUIDs and optional uppercase and braces.
Encoders and Decoders
URL Encoder / Decoder
Encodes URL strings to comply with the URL standard or decodes URL strings to a human-friendly and more readable one.
HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder
Encodes a string to HTML entities or decodes HTML entities to their original characters. Supports named references and decimal values.
Base32 Encoder / Decoder
Encodes text to Base32 or decodes Base32 to text according to RFC 4648. Supports UTF-8.
Base58 Encoder / Decoder
Encodes either text or HEX to Base58 or decodes Base58 to text or HEX.
Base64 Encoder / Decoder
Encodes text to Base64 or decodes Base64 to text. Supports UTF-8.
Base64 Image Encoder / Decoder
Encodes a binary image to Base64 or decodes Base64 to a binary image on your browser without uploading it.
JWT Decoder
Decodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) instantly to view the claims inside, such as the algorithm used to sign it and the attached data.
JavaScript / JSON Converter
Converts between JavaScript objects and JSON data instantly with your preferred indentation level.
CSV / JSON Converter
Converts between CSV and JSON data with highly customizable options.
JSON / XML Converter
Converts between JSON and XML data with your preferred indentation level.
JSON / PHP Array Converter
Converts between JSON data and PHP arrays instantly with your preferred indentation level and quote type.
Text / HEX Converter
Converts between text and HEX and gets the result instantly. Supports Unicode characters.
Base Converter
Freely converts base numbers between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal and gets the result instantly, such as BIN to DEC, OCT to BIN, DEC to HEX, HEX to BIN, and so on.
Unit Converter
Converts a value from a unit to another and gets the result instantly, such as length, area, mass, volume, temperature, time, digital, speed, and more.
UNIX Timestamp Converter
Converts between Epoch/UNIX timestamps and datetimes instantly via the datetime picker. Supports both UTC and local timezone.
Image Tools
Color Picker
Picks a color from the palette and gets the color code in HEX, RGB, and HSL instantly including the color converter between HEX and RGB color codes.
QR Code Generator
Generates a QR code image from words or text instantly. Supports plain text, URL, WiFi, email, phone number, SMS, and geolocation.
QR Code Reader
Reads the text data from a QR code image instantly without uploading it. Supports colored QR code images.
EXIF Viewer
Views the EXIF metadata of an image file if exists instantly without uploading it. Supports both JPEG and TIFF formats.
Network Tools
Checks your current public IP address and looks up for the info regarding the geolocation of your IP, such as city, region, country, timezone, ASN, and ISP.
IP Lookup
Looks up for the geolocation of a given IP address, such as city, region, country, latitude, longitude, timezone, ASN, and ISP. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
IP / Number Converter
Converts between IP addresses and numbers instantly; i.e. binary, decimal, and hexadecimal. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
CIDR / IP Converter
Converts CIDR to IP ranges instantly, such as network address, first address, last address, netmask, total IPs, and more.
WHOIS Lookup
Looks up for the ownership and registration info of a given domain name as known as WHOIS data, such as registrar, creation date, expiration date, contact info, and more.
For all of these tools, please visit on this link: